



Get Started
131,400 ft2 Total Pavement Area
7 Available Driveways
4 Roundabout Lanes
The Suburban sector features complex intersection conditions, roundabouts, driveways, and other varying geometric conditions that simulate real-world street situations.

Suburban Replica

The Suburban sector is located in the west-central portion of the site and is a continuation of the real-world street simulation of the facility’s Urban environment. It includes configurations for a four-lane roundabout, a two-lane residential street with multiple closely spaced driveways, road-damaged asphalt, and a multi-lane arterial street. This equates to over 130,000 ft2 (12,077.40 m2) of pavement to assess the functionality of autonomous technologies in a variety of everyday situations.

The two-lane, two-way, slow-speed roadway, with intentionally road-damaged asphalt, mimics roadway wear and tear that can lead to road-induced vibrations. This section measures 500 ft long (152.40 m) by 12 ft wide (3.65 m), and features 50 randomly spaced pavement patches, with patch lengths ranging from 1 ft (.30 m) to 8 ft long (2.40 m). Patch heights relative to the surrounding pavement range from -1.50 in. (-3.80 cm) to +0.50 in. (+1.25 cm).

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Functional Suburban Scenarios

Multi-Lane Roundabout

Overhead view of a roundabout with three white cars driving

The modern, multi-lane roundabout provides a mechanism to analyze how well connected and autonomous vehicles can navigate multiple entrance and exit configurations.

The neighborhood-style streets test slow-speed braking, tight geometry, and the recognition of potential hazards, such as pedestrians entering the roadway. 

Arterial Streets

Aerial view of suburban arterial streets.

The collector and multi-lane arterial streets simulate typical suburban configurations, such as merging traffic or turning onto an adjacent street. This replication of a typical suburban landscape is ideal for physical tests and problem-solving necessary to fine-tune connected and automated vehicle systems.

Supported Vehicle Classes

The following AASHTO classifications for this sector are based on turning radii and other geometric constraints.

Class P

Vehicle Length: 19 ft 5.8 m

Class SU-30

Vehicle Length: 30 ft 9.1 m

Class SU-40

Vehicle Length: 39.5 ft 12 m

Class BUS-40

Vehicle Length: 40.5 ft 12.1 m

Class WB-40*

Vehicle Length: 45.5 ft 13.8 m

Don’t See Your Vehicle Class?

Speak to a SunTrax representative if you have vehicle requirements that differ from the class listing above.

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*Partial access only

Discover More

SunTrax is a large-scale, innovative facility developed by Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (part of the Florida Department of Transportation), dedicated to the research, development, and testing of emerging transportation technologies in safe and controlled environments.